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Passed by the Parliament of the Law: Law and regulations implementing the Educational Law and Educational changing the structure of the schools went to the president. Read more difficult too, with errors and outdated. So teachers assess new basic programs MPIT together with the Ministry of Education want to give the 10 million zł for schools to learn to teach innovation. “Poland does not form a school in students sufficient competence” to go beyond schemes “, students are afraid to think creatively, they can not work” – said the report “School for the innovator.” And this is – according to experts – the key competencies that allow for innovation in adult life. They put the thesis that the nineteenth-century model of school functioning in Poland today completely obsolete. Therefore, you should change the whole system. / ** / (function (d, s, d) {var js = vtjs d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (d)) return; js = d.createElement (s); js .id = id; js.src = “https://videotarget.pl/v1/sdk.js” vtjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js vtjs)} (document, “script”, “VT-SDK”) ); / ** / authors diagnose the main obstacles, which are brake on development. One of the main software is the basis, the timetable lesson. Teachers themselves admit that the current curriculum is not conducive to critical thinking skills (only one third believe otherwise).

The main sin is to promote Polish education superficial learning. This means that 90 per cent. hewed inside knowledge is memorized and quickly forgotten. Second kills the spontaneity of the school, including by forbidding students to attempts to solve the problem before you know what is the method to solve it. In everyday life it is usually the other way around. However, such attempts – as the authors of the report – are brutally amputated from the educational process. Another problem is the outdated teaching content, which reduces the authority of schools and teachers.

At the same time the school promotes simplistic descriptions – so often artificial, and also relies on imitation: he likes cash and encourages repeat formulas. Read more PNA and FZZ correspond Awl: We reiterate our demand increases by 1000 zł Independent thinking is not welcome. The authors note that the next mistake, entered the school in reality, it is to reward those students who have not crossed any rules. And, as experts suggest, is who is winning at the school, has high strength educational and motivating. The way in which the school creates “positive heroes” and “negative heroes”, is of fundamental importance for the formation of pro-innovation competence. – Therefore, it is imperative to revise our understanding of the concept of “good student”, “model pupil”. Harmful also he split the items – knowledge should be passed on interdisciplinary projects or several teachers working simultaneously with the group – the authors write. The effect of such a study?

Teachers (in the study, whose aim was to determine the extent to which the Polish school prepares students to function in an innovative economy, was attended by 12 thousand. Teachers) estimate that yes, maybe the school teaches overcoming the problems and difficulties, but worse with analytical thinking or even the ability to learn. The worst of them is the improvisation and change management. Teachers quite skeptical about it to the fact that Polish school is a friendly place for initiatives related to the implementation of solutions conducive to innovation. – Teachers are overloaded on the one hand the program, especially in the new core curriculum. A huge responsibility on the other. It is hard to put such conditions on the operation outside the box – says Bartosz Krupa, a former teacher, today educator who teaches teachers and students, among others, programming and 3D printing.

And he adds that everything depends on the people, but they need to work in a good environment, have the support of the directors who supported that original ideas. The school also critical of entrepreneurs, who evaluate it according to what employees need to. Also, in their opinion, they are guilty of the system. – Restrictions causing a lack of openness to innovation are caused by a specific system of work, which is very difficult to break due to: the core curriculum, time teaching hours, checks conducted subject, supervision managerial, many other conditions, including those less formal, such as. Rivalry conflicts – says one of the entrepreneurs surveyed. And he adds that one of the factors that inhibit creativity is the fear of the master unit: Board of Education, the office of the municipality.

Another argues that it is essential to change the approach of the management of schools and teachers to students. – School is not whether the military prison in which all the orders are to perform the same tasks at the same time. You have to get rid of schematic thinking and belief that the sentence the teacher is the most important and indisputable. It should give students more space for creative experimentation without incurring a penalty for failure, the ability to make independent decisions and cooperation – he says. Experts agree that you need to allow students to argue constructively and investigate. – We need entrepreneurs are people capable of defending arguments and fighting – argue entrepreneurs. According to Pauli Bruszewska, president of the foundation Social Wolves, organizers of the Olympics “Exempted from Theory”, which trains teachers – need a change of mind. – The government is investing in start-ups, introduces a legal facilitation, in order to strengthen the economy.

But most important is people. And here bows education that has been neglected – says Bruszewska. Its foundation conducts actions for young people, in which you can raelizować any social project, eg. The organization of concerts, charity runs. From her experience, that these projects, which will engage in teacher three times more likely to have chances of success. – That’s why we teach the teachers how to support their students as they give feedback. And it suits them, that it is not playing the main violin teacher, only supports student development.

Reversal of the table: he was not trying to force a young cram what to do, but they themselves are looking for support and advice, it turns out wonderful freshness – says Bruszewska. The report’s authors recommend to implement programs that disseminate new teaching methods. Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of entrepreneurship is planning a pilot, during which the EU wants the money in 16 schools to teach teachers how to change the system of education. The program is expected to start from the new school year. But today no more is said about long-term change in the education system, but the financial demands of teachers, for which the government does not want to join.

This is the result of calculation of costs and benefits. Teachers are a group of 700 thousand. people, so a small part of the electorate: just over 2 percent. As they say the government assessment, the cost increases for them is 14-17 billion zł (fulfillment of the postulate increases by 1 thousand. Zł an increase of various additives). That’s more than the cost of the pension plus, which will go to 9 million pensioners. The government also fears that giving the PNA, will launch a claim following professional groups in the hot pre-election period.

The camp authorities also hopes that the protest quickly burned out. Teachers are not paid for the time of the strike. The longer it lasted, the more you will feel the financial effects. Read more She was head of the Ministry calls for a cessation of “farce”: Mr Prime Minister, please do not hide behind women minister President of the Polish Teachers’ Union Slawomir Broniarz warns against hasty introduction of such changes. Such a reform is after the change of the curriculum, textbooks.

It is not only the cost but also the time needed to prepare them. Read more Glinski calms teachers liquidate secondary schools, but we will not release the Ministry of Education estimates that due to the liquidation work of middle schools will lose about 15,000 teachers. Broniarz adds that this number will be higher for other educational staff. Starting with the directors of these institutions, the administrative staff, to the cleaning service or a team of people from school canteens. One must also consider what will happen to the school buildings, which in recent years at the expense of hundreds of millions of zlotys were modernized. PNA says that the present school is not the happiest.

The biggest problem is with the 3-year-old high school. This time is too short for it to be well prepared student to study. However, gymnasiums relationship weapons. The introduction of such schools in 1999 meant that our students have started better fall in international rankings. PNA suggest a serious and in-depth debate on a possible reform.

It is concerned that the hasty introduction of these changes will spoil achievements. Presentation of the postdoctoral or doctor, the resolution of scientific councils of the university, which was carried out postdoctoral tricks or reviews are some of the documents to which from 2011. Can look at each. They are published on the website of the Central Commission. The idea was to increase the transparency of the world nauki.- Publishing these documents helps detect, among others plagiarism or errors advice units in the resolutions taken. But also at work mobilizes reviewers – Professor admits. Boguslaw Śliwerski, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee.

He believes that the idea of ​​transparency was carried out, the documents should always be available. Dr. Emanuel Kulczycki from the University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan on his blog adds, “thanks to the publicity could catch errors formal reviewers”. What, moreover, some scientists did, showing many absurdów.Komisja released an official statement in which it informs that there are no technical possibilities for longer than six months storage of such information. After this time will be removed to make room for the next. – A few months suffice. Who needs more access to documents – he asks rhetorically in an informal conversation, one of the employees CK.

He added that the decision on erasing files arose after talks with computer. They acknowledged that their removal is the best option. Which means that there will be public access to them disappear and record them in electronic form, that someone had previously stworzyć.Jednak as provides our interlocutor of the Central Committee, is the paper version. And archives are kept very neatly. He adds that the institution has long had a problem with a lack of specialists. It is forced to borrow them from the Polish Academy of Sciences, which operates in the capital Palace of Culture. Do not accept a specialist for himself because of the freezing etatów.Teoretycznie CK operates in accordance with the law, because even though the law imposes the publication of information about promotions, it does not specify how long you want to appear on stronie.- Plans for the removal of documents after such a short time hit the foundation of transparency and thus prevents operation of the control mechanisms.

This is especially important to the bane of plagiarism and scientific misconduct. Full and sustainable access to documentation awansowych self-control is an essential tool of the scientific community – says dr. Luke Niesiołowski Historical Institute of Warsaw University. He adds that the argument that the commission lacked space to store data, discredits it. – It can be who can do my homework for me put in a series of events simply absurd and ridiculous – adds Niesiołowski, one of the founders of the social movement “Citizens of science.” He began collecting society to buy a new hard disk (collected 215 zł) .Pracownicy CK asked about what is the memory capacity of servers, we could not answer. We checked ourselves. Calculations one of the scientists show that 225 investigations dissertations in economics is on the committee of 2.2 GB. Which means that on average one proceeding is 10 MB.

As specialists admit, these files can occupy less than 1 MB. But even with such niegospodarnym managing 10TB disk can hold up to a million cases. And the price of such a drive is a maximum of 3 thousand. zł.Jak According to the draft budget of the Ministry of Science Central Commission received around 100 thousand. zł for the purchase of the multiprocess server macierzami.Dlaczego are still problems with the so archiving data? – only the signal received from the office, there is a problem, and the solution would be some time after removal of old files – explains a member of the presidium of Prof. CK. Boguslaw Śliwerski.

Stresses that the bureau does not affect the administrative case-techniczne.Niektórzy scientists do not believe in the problems of “technical”. The more that eg. Academic libraries have a duty to perpetual archiving of electronic documents and to somehow manage it. Author of the blog “I do habilitation” writes bluntly: “not for a moment believe that goes with” limited technical capabilities “. I think that the Central Committee closes ranks. Through forums and blogs poured a wave of criticism of the Commission, and so rather than change their behavior, CK restricts access to information. Now there will be less to criticize.

Now, you can not compare the proceedings “- writes the blogger. We have already pointed out the researchers, that CK no hurry publishing, among others, review the proceedings of Science profesorskich.Ministerstwo not answered our questions on how to assess the commission’s decision. But the sheer Minister Lena Kolarska-Bobińska called by scientists to answer commented on Twitter that it was “a mysterious thing, because for this purpose they got a lot of” In the day of publication of this text Science Minister added: CK server archives and will be archived. It was just unfortunate message. The server CK archives and will be archived. It was just unfortunate message. @ekulczycki @Gazeta_Prawna @ DziennikPL- Lena Bobińska (@LenaBobinska) February 3, 2015 / ** / / ** / End of complementary recruitment will not be the end of recruitment in high schools, technical schools and industry.

Taking part in it usually confirms the earlier young people “just in case” the choice of the school to which they got, and that was not the first or second school of choice. Theoretically all places will be occupied in it, but in practice, if someone manages to recruit complementary, it will withdraw the papers and suddenly the place to slow down. – Students in previous years also chose the school, which formally got, and there filed documents, and in the recruitment of supplementary tried to get yet another. Everyone has the right to do so. To do this, you must provide copies of certificates and certificate of completion of primary and secondary school confirmed to be true – explains Andrzej Mazowiecki Kulmatycki of the Board of Education.

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